JustWatch Streaming Charts: November 2024
These are the movies and TV shows US consumers have been most interested in over the previous month
PublishED: December 8, 2024
Movie and TV show fans have never had it so good when it comes to the content options available for the consumer market: there are currently more than a dozen different streaming services delivering all kinds of movies or series straight to their TV sets, literally at the touch of a button. With that amount of new content being released every month, though, which films or TV shows are more likely to be worth each viewer’s precious time? Which movies or series are most people interested in knowing about?
That’s where JustWatch comes in. It’s a Web service designed to collect and present information on every movie or TV show featured in practically all streaming services operating around the world today, in one place. Visitors can create a free account, pick their country of residence – content it’s often different or even unavailable in various regions – define the streaming services they are interested in and get recommendations based on their preferences and searches. Consumers can then use the same account on the free JustWatch apps available for their Smart TV, streaming device, smartphone or tablet in order to always have new suggestions available on what’s hot and recommended on every streaming platform.
Based on user interest – as dictated by searches and recommendations – JustWatch is able to put together Top Ten charts of movies and TV shows across all streaming services operating in each country, every month. These are the films that consumers in the United States have been more interested in over the past few weeks.
Based on the same information, these are the TV shows that consumers in the United States have shown the most interest in over the same period of time.
Taking a look at November’s charts it’s plain to see that the Christmas spirit was not yet in full effect, which allowed for a few fresh productions to stand out. Successful franchises and past favorites claim most of the spots available in both charts, yes, but it’s great to see that new high-quality TV shows – such as The Day of the Jackal, Landman and A Man on the Inside – still drew a lot of interest, as did a couple of noteworthy films (such as Woman of the Hour and My Old Ass). Heavy hitters from months past, such as The Substance or Deadpool & Wolverine, continue to feature high on the movies chart, but that was to be more or less expected.
These charts will sure look quite different next time around, as December has already marked the release of numerous Christmas-themed films and family-oriented TV shows. Some of them should prove to be quite popular leading up to the last week of the year. There’s also a good number of action movies and thrillers scheduled for the last month of the year across several streaming services, though, so there should be some room left for content variety and at least a couple of surprises in both JustWatch Streaming Charts come January. Fingers crossed!